Calendar & Field Trips

This calendar includes our general events as well as field trips. We will try to keep the page up-to-date as field trips are nailed down. If you don't make the meeting before the trip, it is recommended that you check with the field trip chair or another officer a few days before leaving to make sure the details remain as listed here.

Almost all of our trips are suitable for kids accompanied by a parent or guardian. We are in Texas (snakes, scorpions, poison oak) and most of these places are rocky, so care is advisable. We do collect in some localities where they don't allow anyone under 18, so for out-of-town trips it would be good to check with us before showing up somewhere in north Texas.

Short notice trips are possible, when the Brazos River is low enough to collect, by canoe or kayak.

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The Paleontological Society of Austin is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
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Last modified: 22 Sep 2021, MKS